The Notes: Week of August 21 - August 26, 2022

Hello, neighbors!  I'm out of town for a short late summer vacation in Michigan's U.P. but wanted to check in with you all and give you a quick update on the happenings this Committee Week in Appleton city government.

First, a rundown of the committees with cancelled meetings this week:
  • Parks and Recreation Committee
  • Community and Economic Development Committee
Now, as per usual, a synopsis of the agenda items for those committees which will meet this week:

Monday, 08/22/2022 

Municipal Services Committee - 4:30pm: In full council last week, the chairman of this committee referred back a request for a variance for "paving the front yard" (mentioned here and here) which has now been discussed twice by the committee and the owner of the property in question.  It should be interesting to hear what new information will come to light this week! 

This committee will also hear a request from Appleton Downtown, Inc. (ADI) for the permanent installation of Edison-type LED light strands across a few College Avenue intersections, a request from a homeowner on Badger Avenue for the waiving of his assessment for high weeds in his yard, and potential modifications to the city's street terrace policy to allow for residents planting in street terraces (the areas between sidewalks and streets).  The latter was mentioned when a resolution was brought forth in full council for this change (mentioned here).  The city will disallow the use of plantings in street terraces without homeowners acquiring an annual terrace occupancy permit ($40) and obtaining a certificate of insurance for said terrace area.  Take a look at the link above and let me know your thoughts in this regard.

The final item that this committee will review and discuss is the monthly parking utility financial report.  This report shows that year-to-date (to July 2022), the city's parking utility is already $233,661 in the hole (expenses exceeding revenues).  As you can imagine, this is a huge problem for the city which needs some creative solutions.  Before our fall budget time, please let me know if you have any big ideas on what the city should do about this "money pit" that is eating up your tax dollars!
Finance Committee - 5:30pm: This committee will be asked to review and reject some bids received by the city for some capital projects. One bid (for renovations in the wastewater treatment plant) came in at more than double the budgeted cost for the project.  The bids for an elevator upgrade project on the city's red parking ramp came in at nearly $725k and the budget for said project is $275k.  This is a major issue for the city.  I fear that this trend does not bode well for the city's library construction project which went out for bids earlier this month... 

This committee will also entertain approving a bid for a contractor to administer the city's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds grants... to the tune of $150,000.  This is $250,000 that is being shelled out by the city in order for the city to give away the city's APRA funds grants that the majority of the city council (your alderman excluded) agreed to give away rather than use for city capital/infrastructure improvements.  How do you feel about this?

Lastly and perhaps most importantly, this committee will look to discuss and approve of excess fund balance financial transactions.  Subsequent to the last audit, the city shows an excess fund balance of nearly $5M is available from last year's budget to be allocated as follows: 75% (~$3.6M to reduce the city's long term debt - YES!  This is GREAT news for Appleton taxpayers!) and 25% ($1.175M) subject to the Finance Committee's recommendations.  The mayor submitted the following recommendations for these funds.  Please let me know your thoughts on these options:
  • $20,000 for aerial imaging for the city's GIS property system
  • $130,000 for "College Avenue traffic safety"
  • $50,000 for Appleton Redevelopment Authority business enhancement grants
  • $150,000 for emerald ash borer mitigation in the city (This would be helpful with District 13's Voters Park issues with the woods area dying due to this infestation.)
  • $550,000 for "Information Technology updates and security"
  • $275,000 for current year operating reserves
While none of these items seem egregious to me, I would prefer that the city hold these funds and perhaps allocate them to the library project to help reduce the debt the city will incur for that project.  I know that I am perhaps in the minority on that and that the risk of that move would be that other council members would allow the project to go over bid/over budget by this amount rather than allowing these funds as a substitute for debt reduction of the project.  I am very interested in your thoughts in this regard so please reach out to me with them!

Tuesday, 08/23/2022

Fox Cities Transit Commission - 3pm:  Commission members will review and look to approve July 2022 payments, the financial reporting for July 2022, the latest ridership reports, and staffing and capital projects updates. 

Utilities Committee - 4:30pm:  The approval of the city's stormwater quality management plan, municipal code updates regarding "plumbing," and two contracts are on the agenda for votes for this committee.  They will also review the latest water main breaks report (spoiler alert: the cost of water main breaks in the city in July 2022 was over $200,000!) and DHS COVID reporting from the city's wastewater utility.   

Wednesday, 08/24/2022

City Plan Commission - 3:30pm:  The commission members will review and look to approve another special use permit for a car wash and the rezoning of some property on North Ballard Road (just north of Wisconsin Avenue).  They will also review and look to approve the Downtown Appleton Business Improvement District (BID) 2023 operating plan. 

Safety and Licensing Committee - 5:30pm:  There are a few liquor licenses and a secondhand article license up for approval by this committee after which committee members will review the latest "traffic stop heat map" for the city.  

Human Resources and Information Technology Committee - 6:30pm:  There are no action items for this committee to approve but they will discuss the Valley Transit Driver Sign-On Bonus program status and the Human Resources Department budget dashboard. 

And that will wrap up the week for city government.  There's lots to talk about and we are heading into a very interesting and perhaps contentious time, particularly regarding the city's budget and the spending of your hard-earned tax dollars.  I'm always looking to hear from all of District 13's constituents regarding your thoughts on these subjects so that I can best represent you.  

I look forward to chatting with you!  Have a great week, neighbors!
